Our Branded Macmillan Coffee Morning Themed Treats such as our Macmillan themed Biscuits or our Macmillan themed Cupcakes will enable you to  bring awareness to an incredibly impactful event and encourage others to get involved and raise money!

Our entire range can be fully customised, enabling you to personalise your treats with your Macmillan Themed Artwork, be that with a Particular Image or even a Message.

Show your support this September!


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About Macmillan Coffee morning

The Macmillan Coffee Morning is an annual fundraising event organised by Macmillan Cancer Support, a UK-based charity dedicated to providing practical, emotional, and financial support to individuals and families affected by cancer. This year in 2023, it will be held on the 29th September!

Held in communities, workplaces, and homes across the country, the event encourages participants to host coffee mornings where friends, family, colleagues, and neighbour’s gather to enjoy coffee, tea, and a variety of baked goods.

These gatherings serve as opportunities to raise funds for Macmillan’s essential services, including cancer information, emotional support, financial aid, and more. 


Wide Variety of Treats to Choose From!

Our entire range can be fully customised with Macmillan Themed Artwork!

Treats include our famous branded Cupcakes and branded Biscuits, as well as other yummy options such as our Cake Jars, sweet Jam tarts, branded Doughnuts and so much more!

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How Can You Help Raise Funds?

The Macmillan Coffee Morning not only generates vital funds for a noble cause but also fosters a sense of togetherness and solidarity as people come together to share conversations and support those facing the challenges of cancer.

Host a Coffee Morning Event:

Dedicate a space within your workplace for a coffee morning event. You can set up a coffee station and have a selection of our delicious branded biscuits or cupcakes on offer, where your employees can give a donation to take part, with all proceeds going to Macmillan.

Games and Competitions:

You could organise fun games like trivia, bingo, or a quiz night, charging an entry fee for your employees to take part. Winners can receive prizes in the form of a branded cupcake or cookie! All proceeds raised can go directly to the Macmillan Cancer support fund.


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Brewing Success: Elevate Your Macmillan Coffee Morning with Branded Treats

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the warmth of camaraderie, and the delightful taste of treats coming together for a noble cause – that’s the essence of the Macmillan Coffee Morning. This cherished annual event not only brings friends, family, and colleagues together over a cup of coffee but also raises vital funds for Macmillan Cancer Support and if you’re a business looking to make a meaningful impact at this year’s Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023, there’s a secret ingredient you might want to add to your brew: branded treats.

What is the Macmillan Coffee Morning?

For those unfamiliar with the tradition, the Macmillan Coffee Morning is an initiative that began in 1990. It invites people across the UK to host their own coffee mornings and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. The concept is simple: bake or buy delicious treats, brew some coffee, invite friends, family, and colleagues, and ask for donations in return for these delightful offerings. The funds collected go towards supporting people facing the challenges of cancer.

A Delectable Addition: Macmillan Themed Treats

One-way businesses can significantly enhance their Macmillan Coffee Morning event is by incorporating specially themed treats. These treats, adorned with the iconic Macmillan logo or colours, create a unique and memorable experience for participants. Imagine presenting your guests with logo-branded biscuits that not only tickle their taste buds but also remind them of the noble cause they are supporting. From intricately detailed corporate logo biscuits to equally scrumptious branded vegan options, these treats can serve as conversation starters and remind attendees of the purpose of the event.

Boosting Fundraising Profits with Branded Delights

Utilizing branded treats as part of your Macmillan Coffee Morning strategy can help drive fundraising profits to new heights. When attendees associate the event with your business’s thoughtful branding, they are more likely to connect with your cause and contribute generously. The aesthetic appeal of logo-branded biscuits, cupcakes, and other treats can elevate the overall event experience, making it more memorable and encouraging participants to donate more generously.

When is the Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023?

The Macmillan Coffee Morning is typically held during the last Friday in September, which means the Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023 will likely take place on September 29th. This nationwide event unites people in their efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by cancer.

Creating Lasting Impressions

The Macmillan Coffee Morning isn’t just about raising funds – it’s about creating a lasting impression within your community. By incorporating branded treats into your event, you’re not only showcasing your business’s commitment to social responsibility but also inspiring others to get involved. The treats themselves become symbols of support, making your event stand out and encouraging attendees to share their experience, both in person and on social media.

Behind the Numbers: Macmillan Coffee Morning Statistics

Over the years, the Macmillan Coffee Morning has evolved into a remarkable fundraising phenomenon. Since its inception, it has raised millions of pounds for people affected by cancer. In 2022 alone, the event raised an astounding £34 million. These funds enable Macmillan Cancer Support to provide medical, emotional, and financial assistance to those in need, ensuring that no one faces cancer alone.

Bringing It All Together

As you gear up for the Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023, consider the impact that branded treats can have on your event. By infusing your offering with the essence of the Macmillan cause, you’re not only enhancing the experience for attendees but also bolstering your fundraising efforts. So, fire up those ovens, brew that coffee, and get ready to make a difference, one delectable treat at a time. Join the movement, and together, let’s brew a brighter future for those affected by cancer.