Branded Halloween Treats Banner


We think any excuse to treat staff and customers is a good one, so with Halloween approaching we wanted to run through some ideas for engaging with your key stakeholders. Celebrations around Halloween have been increasing within the corporate world year on year, and as such our range now includes some great options to help you make an impact on the people who matter.

Don’t ghost your customers:

If you’ve got some customers, you’ve not contacted in a while, don’t let them drift! Be sure to send them some treats as a reminder that you’re thinking of them. Whether you send sweet jars to their offices, or a tray of spooky cupcakes, your client will be grateful for the interaction and will likely reach out to you to say thank you. What better way to get back into conversation?

Don’t spook your staff:

Your team are a hard-working bunch, so show them your gratitude with some branded Halloween treats.  The average rate of employee engagement is 50%*, have you ever considered how your business measures up to this statistic? The boost in efforts put into staff engagement we’ve seen in the UK’s largest companies is a telling sign, with some companies sometimes forgetting that their staff should be at the heart of their priorities.

Over the years our team have helped bring some great staff engagement projects to life with a range of small and large businesses. From 50 brownie bites for recruitment consultants, to 60,000 cupcakes for warehouse workers – we’ve seen some great ideas come to fruition, and the feedback is always amazing. One customer, from a housing and social care provider, provided cupcakes for their care workers and customer facing teams, they noted “our frontline staff loved them!”.

Has this sparked an idea? Don’t hesitate, get in touch with our team who can help find you a solution that fits your requirements and budget.


*Source: Martin M (2021) 22 Valuable Employee Engagement Statistics In 2021. Available at

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